Whilist we encourage women to go through the centonomy 101 course to understand the technical aspects of money, our Centsible Woman™ program brings women together to have Conversations about Money, the kind of conversations that are not covered in a technical personal financial workshop. The Centsible Woman is facilitated and run quarterly by Waceke Nduati, who has become renowned for her ability to demystify the unique relationship women have with money.

Through “The Centsible Woman™” we have had conversations with over 1000 women in this area. We have developed a strong track record in going beyond just the education but also understanding the unique relationship that Women have with Money and how to communicate effectively to Women. Our interactive blog site www.centsiblewoman.com has provided a platform for women to continue learning and having these unique conversations about money. In Centsible Woman™ our conversations have featured:

  • How does my upbringing affect the way I handle money?
  • Should I have a joint account or invest with my spouse or husband?
  • What does separation/divorce mean for me financially?
  • How do I communicate effectively about money with my spouse/boyfriend/partner/children/family?
  • How do I manage household finances when I am earning more or less than my spouse?
  • Should I go Dutch (split bills evenly) when dating?
  • My father wants to exclude me from his will because I am a woman. How should I handle this?
  • How do I handle my relatives (or husband’s relatives) who are always asking for money?
  • I am a stay at home mum/housewife so how do I play a part in managing family money?
  • How do I handle lifestyle pressure associated with my job?
  • What does the new constitution mean for my economic rights?

The Centsible Woman is all about the Financially Aspirational woman, The woman who has a desire to Share and Learn. We therefore make it a point to have people who can share their true life experiences with our participants. This has included Eva Muraya , Carol Musyoka, Gladys Ogallo, Maureen Murunga. Join the Conversation at CentsibleWoman .